Stretching for Kitesurfing

Reach new heights with these simple stretches for kiters!

As in any sport, it is important to warm up before your kite session. Kiting utilizes the entire body, so it’s important to loosen up your muscles and your mind. For more about warming up the mind, check out our articles on visualization and mental strength.

Follow our simple guide to stretching for kiting below!

Leg Stretches:

  1. Forward Bend:

    • Stand with feet shoulder-width apart.

    • Bend forward at the hips, reaching for your toes or as far as comfortable.

    • Hold for 20-30 seconds, feeling the stretch in your hamstrings.

  2. Quad Stretch:

    • While standing, lift one foot towards your backside, grabbing your ankle.

    • Hold your foot close to your buttocks, feeling the stretch in the front of your thigh.

    • Hold for 20-30 seconds on each leg.

  3. Calf Stretch:

    • Find a wall and place your hands on it.

    • Step one foot back, keeping it straight, and press your heel into the ground.

    • Feel the stretch in your calf. Hold for 20-30 seconds on each leg.

  4. Lunges:

    • Take a step forward with one foot, lowering your body until both knees are bent at a 90-degree angle.

    • Keep your back straight and feel the stretch in your hip flexors and thighs.

    • Alternate legs and repeat.

Arm Stretches:

  1. Triceps Stretch:

    • Raise one arm overhead, bending your elbow and reaching your hand down your back.

    • Use your other hand to gently push on the bent elbow.

    • Hold for 20-30 seconds on each arm.

  2. Shoulder Stretch:

    • Bring one arm across your chest.

    • Use your opposite hand to gently pull your arm closer to your chest.

    • Hold for 20-30 seconds on each arm.

  3. Wrist Flexor Stretch:

    • Extend one arm in front, palm down.

    • Use your opposite hand to gently press down on your fingers, stretching the wrist and forearm.

    • Hold for 20-30 seconds on each wrist.

Back Stretches:

  1. Cat-Cow Stretch:

    • Start on your hands and knees in a tabletop position.

    • Arch your back upward (cat) and then dip it down (cow).

    • Repeat this fluid motion for 1-2 minutes to warm up and stretch the spine.

  2. Child’s Pose:

    • Kneel on the mat with toes touching and knees apart.

    • Lower your torso between your knees, reaching your arms forward.

    • Hold for 30 seconds to 1 minute, feeling the stretch in your back and shoulders.

  3. Seated Twist:

    • Sit with your legs extended.

    • Cross one leg over the other, placing the opposite elbow on the outside of the crossed knee.

    • Twist gently to the side, holding for 20-30 seconds on each side.

Remember to perform these stretches gently and without bouncing, and always listen to your body. These stretches can help improve flexibility, reduce the risk of injury, and enhance your overall comfort during and after kiteboarding sessions.


The Beginners Guide to Visualization for Kiting